Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

All-in-one SEO online tool provides the smartest and fastest online URL encoder/decoder tool for free!

This URL encoder/decoder tool comes in handy when adding special characters to URL parameters, also known as percent-encoding. The URL encoding process involves replacing illegal characters with% (percent sign) and two additional hex values. URL decoding works, but if you want to know the source of your email campaign or newsletter.

How to use this URL encoder/decoder?

The Free Online URL Encoding / Decoding Tool All-in-One SEO Online Tool works by adding a text string to the space provided by this link Then click "Submit Now", then show the results immediately.

This is useful for converting encoded JavaScript URLs that contain nearly unreadable text to more readable text. URLs typically contain non-alphanumeric characters or "%" (percent sign) encoded characters, followed by some alphanumeric text. Blank spaces in the text are encoded with a "+" sign.

These URLs contain characters outside of the ASCII set, so you must convert the URLs to an available ASCII format. This URL encoding is used to replace insecure ASCII characters with a percent sign (%) followed by a two-digit hexadecimal number. URL encoding replaces spaces with a plus sign (+) or% 20.

What are URL encoding and URL decoding?

URL encoding is commonly used in query strings or is also known as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Users only want to use URL encoding for special symbols. This free online URL encoder/decoder tool is useful if you want to encode or decode URLs.

What are the types of URL characters?

Acceptable characters in the URL are reserved or unreserved (or the percent sign as part of the percent-encoding). Reserved characters are characters that can have a special meaning. A good example of this is the slash character that is commonly used to separate different parts of a URL. 

When using percent-encoding, reserved characters are represented by a single character arrangement. The arrangement of saved and open characters, and the conditions under which certain held characters have uncommon importance, changed marginally with each adjustment of the determinations overseeing URLs and URL plans.

How does the percentage encoding of unreserved characters work?

If a particular character in the reservation set has a special meaning in a particular context and the URI scheme indicates that it is important to use that particular character for another purpose, that character must be percent-encoded.

Percent-encoded reserved characters generally require converting the character to the corresponding ASCII byte value and representing that value as a hexadecimal pair. The number before the percent sign (%) is used in the URI instead of the reserved character. Also, for non-ASCII characters, it is generally converted to a byte array in UTF-8, and each byte value is rendered as above.

Let's take this as an example. The "/" is still considered a reserved character but generally has no reserved purpose unless otherwise specified in a particular URI scheme. That's why you don't need to percentage-encode characters if you don't have a reserved purpose.

Characters in unreserved sets do not require percent-encoding:
URIs that just vary in whether open characters are rate encoded or shown in a real sense are identical by definition, yet centralized computer URIs don't generally recognize this comparability. To boost interoperability, the URI creators don't suggest percent-encoding of open characters.

What is percentage-coded data?

Many URI schemes include a representation of arbitrary data, such as an IP address or a selected file system path, as a component of a URI.